Sardinia: warnings for accessing Sardinia

UPDATED ON 31/05/2021

Passenger registration upon arrival in Sardinia:

All passengers arriving in Sardinia are required to register using the appropriate online form on the Sardinia Region website.

With the Presidential Ordinance n. 5 of March 5, 2021, provisions were introduced for those who intend to arrive in Sardinia, extended with Ordinance no. 18 of May 28, 2021.

Until June 15, 2021, all those who intend to embark on airline or sea lines bound for Sardinia, are required to register before boarding using the online form, and present a copy of the registration receipt together with the boarding pass and a document. valid identity.
Registration can also take place via the App that can be downloaded from the stores for iOS and Android systems.
NB: the latest versions of the App with the changes relating to the recent provisions are being released.

Through the platform, passengers who are not yet in possession of the green certification referred to in articles 2 and 9 of the D.L. 52/2021 and Article 14 of the Legislative Decree 65/2021, can acknowledge:
- of the vaccination, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Legislative Decree 52/2021, valid for 9 months from the administration of the second dose;
- that 15 days have passed since the administration of the first dose of the vaccine, as required by Article 14, paragraph 2, of the Legislative Decree 65/2021;
- of the healing from the SARS-COV-2 infection, with the simultaneous termination of the prescribed isolation, as provided for by Article 9, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 52/2021;
- to have undergone the molecular diagnostic examination of the nasopharyngeal swab for covid-19 and / or the examination of the antigenic swab, with negative results performed no later than 48 hours after departure, with the exception of children under 2 years of age.

- submit to the obligation of fiduciary isolation for 10 days, with the burden of communicating this to their general practitioner, to the pediatrician of free choice or, for non-residents, to the territorially competing health authority through the toll-free number 800311377.

For more information, please consult the website

If you are an Italian citizen returning from abroad or a foreign citizen in Italy, consult this page Italian citizens returning from abroad .

Since the regulatory provisions change suddenly, it will be the responsibility of each passenger to check the national and regional restrictions in force before each journey - both outward and return journeys.

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