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Irish Ferries

Irish Ferries

Book your ferry with Irish Ferries to travel between Ireland, Great Britain, and France.

Irish Ferries is one of the leading Irish ferry companies offering fast and comfortable connections between Ireland, Great Britain, and France. With a modern fleet and high-quality onboard services, Irish Ferries ensures a safe and pleasant travel experience across the Irish Sea and the English Channel. Using our price comparison tool, you can easily select your desired route and compare active offers to book your ferry at the best available price. Book in advance to secure the most advantageous rates and save on your next trip!

All active offers from Irish Ferries are automatically applied.

Ferries at the best price

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  • Compare all the offers and get the best prices!
  • Get exclusive discounts on the best companies
  • Customer support in English 7/7
  • 4.5/5 star reviews!

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Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM

Telephone +44 2039208935
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