Ferries Trieste Rovinj

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Address of the port of Trieste
Trieste (Trieste in Trieste, Trst in Slovenian) is an Italian city of 204 257 inhabitants, capital of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.
Trieste is home to the UI Giuliana of which it is part with the municipalities of Duino-Aurisina, Monrupino, Muggia, San Dorligo and Sgonico for a total of about 240 000 inhabitants, while its metropolitan area has about 410 000 inhabitants. Following the suppression of the province, the municipality of Trieste (like that of Gorizia, Pordenone and in the future Udine) still maintains the prerogatives connected to the status of "provincial capital".
The free port was maintained, with the name of Free Port of Trieste, also in the peace treaty between Italy and the allied powers of 1947 with which the Free Territory of Trieste was established, and later also in 1954, when the The Allied Military Government ceded the civil administration to Italy by virtue of the London Memorandum. Today it is an international hub for land-sea exchange flows between Central and Eastern European markets and Asia. Uninterruptedly since 2013, Trieste is the first port in Italy in terms of the total volume of goods in transit, with more than 56 million tons.


Rovinj is a Croatian fishing port on the west coast of the Istrian peninsula. The historic center is located on a promontory and is characterized by narrow houses close to each other up to the waterfront. A tangle of paved streets leads to the Cathedral of Sant'Eufemia, located on a hill and whose imposing bell tower dominates the skyline. South of the old town is Baia Lone, one of the pebble beaches in the area. The 14 islands of the Rovinj archipelago are immediately close to the mainland.

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