With Ferriesonline.com you can compare schedules and fares of all companies, choose your favourite ferry! Skikda - Genoa
The Genoa Skikda route is operated by the Compagnia Algerie Ferries in 21 hours. The connections are only 5 and in the months from June to September. Time to submit to boarding. . For the passengers on foot the time limit for boarding is 2 hours before departure, for the vehicle owners in tow it is instead of 4 hours.
Genoa represents one of Italy's most important ports and a crucial maritime connection point to numerous destinations in the Mediterranean. Situated in the picturesque region of Liguria, Italy, Genoa offers a wide range of maritime routes connecting Northern Italy ... follows
Customer service 7 days a week
Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM