Ferry to Umag

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Information about Umag
Umag is a city on the Istrian peninsula of Croatia. The remains of the 10th century city walls include a gate and a drawbridge. The Museo Civico di Umago, in a former defense tower, houses objects from the Roman era such as amphorae and lamps, as well as contemporary local art. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary has an unfinished Baroque façade and a seventeenth-century bell tower. A long 19th century sea dike protects the port.

Ferry to

The covered routes

Ferries from

The covered routes

Book your ferry for now Umag

These are the shipping companies that serve the routes to Umag: Venezia Lines, Adriatic Lines.

The rates of low cost ferries for Umag are always highlighted as the best fare and are offered without any selection. For all ferry routes to Umag, we always offer the best rate!

Customer service 7 days a week

Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM

Telephone +44 2039208935