Ferry to Portovesme

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Ferries to Portovesme

Portovesme is a significant port town located in the southwest of Sardinia, known for its strategic connections to the island of San Pietro and, in particular, to the picturesque town of Carloforte. Booking your ferry to Portovesme is easy and convenient on Ferriesonline.com, the price comparison site that allows you to compare offers from the best ferry companies.

The most frequented route is from Carloforte to Portovesme, operated by Delcomar. Daily departures are frequent, allowing a crossing of about 30 minutes, with prices starting from around 5 euros for an adult. This route is very popular among residents and tourists due to its frequency and the affordability of the fares.

For those returning from Portovesme to Carloforte, the services are equally frequent and managed by the same ferry company, ensuring continuous and reliable service. This allows great flexibility in planning your trip, whether for short stays or longer vacations.

Once you arrive in Portovesme, you'll have the opportunity to explore the natural and historical attractions of the area. Its proximity to Carbonia and Iglesias offers interesting opportunities for cultural and nature excursions, allowing you to discover the region's historic mines and the beautiful southwest Sardinian coastline.

Book your ferry to Portovesme on Ferriesonline.com to take advantage of all available offers and promotions. Compare fares, choose the route and date that suits you, and purchase your low-cost tickets online. On our site, all active promotions are automatically applied at the time of booking, ensuring you always get the best possible price.


Ferry to

The covered routes

Ferries from

The covered routes

Book your ferry for now Portovesme

These are the shipping companies that serve the routes to Portovesme: Collegamenti Sardegna.

The rates of low cost ferries for Portovesme are always highlighted as the best fare and are offered without any selection. For all ferry routes to Portovesme, we always offer the best rate!

Customer service 7 days a week

Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM

Telephone +44 2039208935