Ferry to Formia

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How to reach the port of Formia
The port of Formia, from where you can embark for Ponza and Ventotene, near Formia train station.
The railway station is about 10 minutes from the port and you can easily reach on foot unless you have a heavy luggage or taxi. Arrival by car coming by motorway (A1), will have to exit at cassino and take the E45 for 46 km. you reach the via Appia follow it until you reach a roundabout which leads into Promenade Republic. The port will be on your left.
Nestled right in the middle of the Gulf of Gaeta, Formia (from Greek hormiai-landing) has origins that are lost in myth and relate to the legend of Troy and the wanderings of Odysseus on his way back. All the mythical tradition recalls this area as land of the Laestrygonians, rough and primitive peoples, and these giant cannibals we landed the ships of Ulysses and from which only her managed to escape.

Ferry to

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The covered routes

Book your ferry for now Formia

These are the shipping companies that serve the routes to Formia: Traghetti Ponza.

The rates of low cost ferries for Formia are always highlighted as the best fare and are offered without any selection. For all ferry routes to Formia, we always offer the best rate!

Customer service 7 days a week

Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM

Telephone +44 2039208935