Ferry to Bonifacio

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Offers on ferries for Bonifacio

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Ferries to Bonifacio

Bonifacio, one of the most charming and picturesque destinations in Corsica, is situated at the southern tip of the island.
To reach Bonifacio by ferry from Sardinia, you can embark from the port of Santa Teresa di Gallura, located on the northern coast of the Italian island. This route offers a scenic way to cross the Mediterranean Sea and reach the magnificent Corsica.

Navigation companies like Moby and Ichnusa Line ensure reliable and comfortable service during the ferry crossing to Bonifacio. With our booking options, you can choose the ferry and the schedule that best suits your needs, ensuring a convenient and relaxing sea journey.

Once you arrive in Bonifacio, you will find yourself immersed in a unique and enchanting atmosphere. Bonifacio captivates visitors with its limestone cliffs, turquoise waters, and charming old town. Explore its picturesque streets and ancient fortifications, and enjoy the wonderful golden sandy beaches that surround the city. Bonifacio is also an excellent starting point to explore other attractions of Corsica, such as the Natural Reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio or the charming coastal towns along the southern coast.

Plan your ferry trip to Bonifacio on Ferriesonline.com, the price comparison platform that helps you find the best deals by comparing the rates of the best maritime companies. We are here to make your maritime journey a success, offering a reliable, safe, and convenient booking service. Book now and get ready to explore the timeless beauty of Corsica. Happy travels!


Ferry to

The covered routes

Ferries from

The covered routes

Book your ferry for now Bonifacio

These are the shipping companies that serve the routes to Bonifacio: Moby Lines - Moby, Ichnusa Lines.

The rates of low cost ferries for Bonifacio are always highlighted as the best fare and are offered without any selection. For all ferry routes to Bonifacio, we always offer the best rate!

Customer service 7 days a week

Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM

Telephone +44 2039208935