Book your ferry ticket Helsinki Vuosaari - Tallin Muuga
With you can compare schedules and fares of all companies, choose your favourite ferry! Helsinki Vuosaari - Tallin Muuga
Next departures to Helsinki Vuosaari - Tallin Muuga
The best departures to is Helsinki Vuosaari Tallin Muuga to visit Finland These are the upcoming departures, but you can choose the period you like best.
Helsinki Vuosaari is one of the main ports of the Finnish capital, located to the east of Helsinki. This modern and well-equipped port area offers ... follows
Muuga Harbour is the main cargo harbour for Port of Tallinn and locates ca 17 km east of Tallinn. It is specialized on handling transit origin goods. The cargo volume handled in Muuga Harbour accounts ... follows
Customer service 7 days a week
Customer service 5 days a week from Monday to Friday 09:00 und Sonntag AM - 13:00 PM / 15.30:0 PM - 19:30 PM